
Safety and Security

Comprehensive solutions that utilize the strategy of defense in depth and our safety & security lifecycle approach to minimize the safety and security risks for our customers' systems.

Safety and Security

OpreX Safety and Security belongs to the OpreX Lifecycle category of the comprehensive OpreX brand for Yokogawa's industrial automation (IA) and control business. The valuable service lineup includes cybersecurity management/consulting and product security services.

What is Yokogawa's approach towards minimizing risks and maximizing corporate values?

Achieving operational excellence in your plant needs effective risk control and management for both safety and security. To help our customers continue their industrial operations safely and securely, Yokogawa provides comprehensive solutions and services based on defense in depth strategy. We focus on delivering long-term lifecycle services while understanding customers' challenges and working continuously for improvements in a close partnership. Yokogawa follows one overall objective: to minimize risk and maximize corporate values according to our self-commitment as a lifecycle value partner. Yokogawa aims to become your #1 trusted partner and achieve long-term, stable, and secure operations.

Yokogawa is seeing customer's plants as important as a human body.

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