

산업의 경계를 뛰어넘는 도전,

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산업 안전과 운영 효율성의 최전선,
Yokogawa OpreX™ Managed Service 소개

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Three Industry Segments to Accelerate Transformation into a Solution Business

Industry Segment Topics

AI 기반 예측 솔루션 출시

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운영 효율성을 위한 5가지 요소

OpreX brand site

한국요꼬가와전기 뉴스레터 구독안내

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Towards a world where humans and
robots coexist in harmony
Achieve Smarter, Safer Operation
with robot and drone solutions

Robot and Drone Technology

Visualize your fermentation.
The power of bio brings quality
management to a whole new level.

FlowCam for Brewery


Read about actual cases where Yokogawa has helped leading companies in a variety of industries.

White Papers

Discover the latest innovations in process control and applications.

Application Notes

Learn about a wide range of Yokogawa solutions that are being used to optimize plant operations.

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